As a member of the KVNR...
...is your contribution to the collective advocacy for a robust Dutch maritime sector, forming a cornerstone of the KVNR’s service provision. The shipowners' association represents you in various national and international forums, actively contributing to policy development within national, European, and international maritime politics. The focus is on maintaining and enhancing the (inter)national business climate in economic, social, environmental, and technical-nautical fields. Through your membership, you participate in KVNR member groups, helping shape and promote KVNR’s positions on all these topics.
KVNR Secretariat staff participate on behalf of members in various national and international consultation bodies, often alongside a representative from an appointed member.
Various forums
The KVNR serves as a central coordination point for the Dutch shipowner community. The following examples illustrate this role, but are not exhaustive. There are numerous partnerships in which the KVNR participates on behalf of the Dutch shipowner community
Various forums
National representation
International representation
Social partner in shipping
Various forums
National representation
At the national level, the KVNR regularly consults with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
As a member of the maritime umbrella organization Netherlands Maritime Land, the KVNR works with other maritime industry organizations to strengthen the Dutch maritime network and to promote the maritime sector. Industry information campaigns led by business groups, industry associations, and educational institutions, aimed at increasing enrollment in maritime education, are important examples of these efforts. Additionally, the KVNR is affiliated with VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland. The KVNR regularly participates in various committees within these major business organizations in the Netherlands. In specific cases, we join forces with VNO-NCW to defend and safeguard the collective interests of Dutch maritime shipping.
International representation
Internationally, the KVNR regularly participates in meetings of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
In addition to these important international policy-making platforms, the KVNR represents Dutch shipowners in the following maritime organizations:
European Community Shipowners’ Associations
International Chamber of Shipping
Baltic and International Maritime Council
Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
The KVNR has a permanent position on the boards of both ECSA and ICS. KVNR policy staff participate in committee and working group meetings within ECSA and ICS, which enables them to influence European and international regulations and strengthen a “level playing field” for Dutch-based shipowners.
Social partner in shipping
The KVNR plays an important role in establishing wage and employment conditions, pension schemes, and social arrangements for seafarers. These arrangements are created through discussions between social partners on both the employer and employee sides. On the employee side, this primarily involves the union Nautilus International, and on the employer side, the following associations:
Social Maritime Employers’ Association
Association of Employers in Merchant Shipping
Netherlands Maritime Employers Association
Netherlands Maritime Employers Association Neptune
Although these employer associations are legally independent from the KVNR, the KVNR manages their secretariats. Only shipowners who are members of the KVNR can join these associations.

Individual services
In addition to collective advocacy, the KVNR places equal importance on providing individual services to its members. The KVNR's knowledgeable and experienced staff can advise you on all relevant topics.
The KVNR offers a service package based on its expertise. KVNR staff are active across all areas of maritime shipping, from the maritime labor market (education and crew) to sustainability (environment, innovation, safety, and quality) and business climate (taxation, legal matters, insurance, and shipping policy).
They support you as specialists and advisors, including in consultations with government agencies such as the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate.
Networking function for shipowners
The KVNR has an extensive network that is used for collective advocacy. In addition, the KVNR itself serves as an important and accessible networking organization for its members, providing a platform to discuss current issues, exchange knowledge, and share experiences.
The interaction between members is a key strength of the association. Together, we are stronger.
Network of contacts
Member participation
Network of contacts
The KVNR has an extensive network of strong contacts, including members of parliament. It also maintains close relationships with the permanent representatives of the Netherlands to the European Union, Dutch members of the European Parliament, and, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch embassies abroad. Additionally, the KVNR has strong connections with various ministries and their inspection bodies.
Although KVNR members connect with each other in many ways, both within and outside the association, there are three key dates each year when the association comes together. These include the New Year's reception, and the Annual General Meetings in the spring and November. These networking events typically take place on the third Wednesdays of January, May, and November.
Member participation
The board oversees four committees, each active in different policy areas. These committees offer members a unique opportunity to influence the policy of the KVNR. They provide advice to the KVNR board to support policy development and further elaborate on decisions made by the board.
The committees are chaired by a representative from a KVNR member who does not sit on the association's board. The committees are focused and efficient when it comes to addressing issues, finding solutions, and communicating with the members. The knowledge gained within the committees and shared among members proves valuable in daily practice and is specifically tailored to the operations of your business.
Whether it's about the environment, safety, or taxation, mutual knowledge exchange is essential. In addition to discussions within the various member groups, there are sometimes needs for further exploration or in-depth analysis of specific topics.
For this reason, the KVNR regularly organizes seminars on current issues in maritime shipping, either independently or in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders. In addition to sharing up-to-date knowledge, the seminars also provide space for active input from the members.