Innovationradar focus on digitisation and AI

3 December 2024


Yesterday, the KVNR, Maritime Delta, Buccaneer Delft and PortXL jointly organised the Innovation Radar event. This event aimed to connect and inspire attendees with the latest digital innovations and several informative keynotes. The event featured two inspiring speakers, 10 innovative startups and 15 Dutch shipping companies.

The first keynote was delivered by Mariel van der Linden of the Maritime Masterplan. She outlined the digital transition facing the shipping industry and pointed out the crucial challenges around data. For data to have added value it must be accurate, relevant, timely and accessible. To achieve this, the standardisation of data and data-models is essential, as are uniform agreements on how to exchange data and the availability of shared data platforms. The Maritime Master Plan is actively working on this aspect within the ‘Digital Collaboration’ programme component of the Maritime Master Plan, which can also be joined by parties that do not participate in the Maritime Master Plan.

Hannes Bogaert of MARIN gave the second keynote, highlighting the promising wave of AI innovation ahead for the maritime sector. He emphasised that AI is not magic, but a powerful tool that carries a huge innovation potential, if deployed properly by multidisciplinary teams. He gave examples of applications such as automating complex decision-making processes, accelerating human-centred design and operational processes, and delivering personalised support.

For the maritime sector, it is therefore essential to:

  • Train more professionals in AI skills;

  • Develop standards for testing the safety and reliability of AI solutions;

  • Encourage public-private partnerships to experiment with and develop AI-driven innovations.

The 10 innovative start-up that pitched

  • Gerard Kruisheer from Captain AI

  • Thomas Joyce from Harbour Helper AI

  • Bruno Balbi from i4Sea

  • Erik Verboom from Albatros Digital

  • Pieter Korterink from Remora Docks

  • Dirk Degroote from Cognauship

  • Bram van den Boom from Techbinder

  • Sebastian Hamers from Sealution

  • Pieter-Jan Note from MAHI

  • Adam van der Veer from Sterndesk


These pitches brought forward a wide range of smart innovative solutions and ideas focused on the potential of digitalisation and specifically AI for maritime sector. The ideas ranged from systems for better situational awareness on the bridge, processing and organising all data coming off the ship, automatically filling in pre-arrival information to automatically scanning CVs of applying seafarers.

After the inspiring presentations, some 15 Dutch shipping companies entered into discussions with the startups and other attendees. Valuable connections were made and ideas were exchanged about the future of shipping. The positive feedback from participants confirmed that the meeting was a great success!

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Louis Stolper

Innovation, Digitalisation and Public Affairs