Clean Industrial Deal clear ambition, now time for concrete steps

27 February 2025

Europe awakens

On February 24, 2022, Europe was shaken awake by a Russian invasion on Ukrainian territory. The European Union responded with sanctions limiting trade with Russia. When a short period later the Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia and Germany was sabotaged, one thing was painfully clear: Europe cannot stand on its own two legs.

While Europe could previously rely on the United States, the announced import tariffs and the United States stance towards Russia seem to be driving a wedge between Europe and the United States. Europe really needs to start looking at itself now.

In recent years, the European Union has fallen behind compared to the other global powerhouses. Europe must work hard to strengthen its foundations and accelerate its economic prowes to close the gab and compete again on the world stage.

Alternative fuels a spearhead

Yesterday, Ursula von der Leyen announced the Clean Industrial Deal, which is meant to be the starting point for a stronger Europe. The report outlines a clear European ambition: Strengthen Europe's competitiveness by focusing on sustainable innovation.

The Dutch maritime shipping sector welcomes the ambitions emerging from the Clean Industrial Deal. Especially the strong focus on investing in the development and deployment of alternative fuels, focused on the maritime and aviation sectors. It is also good that the Commission recognizes the importance of public funding as a springboard to mobilize private investments.

The plan also describes several measures that should stimulate investments in the energy transition within the transport sector. The European Union wants to bring hydrogen suppliers and users together with the "Hydrogen Mechanism." The ambition to create a market for captured CO2 is emphasized, and the short-term measures to promote the use of low carbon fuels will be outlined in the Sustainable Transport Investment Plan. This policy initiative is expected after the summer. Additionally, the Commission aims to reduce regulatory and administrative burdens, which will further promote investments.

“Innovation, innovation, innovation!”
Ursula von der Leyen


In conclusion, with the Clean Industrial Deal, Europe is betting on competing through innovation. The quote from Ursula von der Leyen - "Innovation, innovation, innovation!" seems to become the European counterpart of the American "Drill baby drill!"

Expectations are high, and now it's time to translate the ambition of the Clean Industrial Deal into action. The shipping industry stands ready to collaborate with the European Union to turn these goals into reality!

Get in touch with...


Bart van Bemmelen


Marjolein van Noort

Economy, Finance and Representative Europe

Pieter-Ruurd Illes

Representative Europe